Interview: A Siren, A Selkie, and A Rusalka walk into Camden Fringe
The Camden Fringe Interviews
Wild Folly’s Frances Eva and Molly Goetzee tell us about Blood Bath
As Wild Folly, the theatre company behind Blood Bath, put it, “Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke – A Siren, a Selkie, and a Rusalka walk into a bathroom.” But that is exactly what Blood Bath offers as it prepares to grace the stage of Lion and Unicorn Theatre for Camden Fringe.
And because we have no objections to either bad jokes or shows set around fokelore, we thought we’d seek out the mythical pair of Frances Eva and Molly Goetzee to find out more.
Great to meet you both, why don’t we start with some intros.
We are Frances Eva and Molly Goetzee, and together we make up the production company Wild Folly! We are a female-led company with a focus on retelling narratives told about women. We co-wrote Blood Bath, a dark comedy about three female sea monsters hiding in a house party bathroom, whilst in drama school with our colleague and friend Emily Walling, and have been performing and developing the show over the past year.
Molly, also affectionately (or not) known as Ginge, is an actor, musician and writer who is passionate about female, ND and queer led narratives. She graduated from Drama Studio London in 2023. Molly is passionate about access work, and works frequently assisting creative projects with underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. Alongside her writing for Wild Folly, Molly’s solo writing work has been performed at Greenwich Theatre, Kings Head Theatre and Deptford Lounge. Previous Acting Credits include: In Your Own Time (2025), Hunger Hurts (2025), Chaotic Cabaret (Riverside Studios), BLOOD BATH (Bread and Roses Theatre, The Playground Theatre), The Year Was 1944 (NMA, Bostin Creative).
Frances is a young actor who grew up in both Manchester and Dundee, so consequently her accent has a daily identity crisis. A recent graduate from Drama Studio London, she is an actor, writer and director with an enduring love for myths, physical theatre and general silliness. Recent credits include the new writing play Three Card Spread at Etcetera Theatre, Selkie in her own co-written play Blood Bath, and she’ll be shooting an upcoming short film How Far Can a Punk Get this July.
What can audiences expect from the show?
Frances: They can expect a little slice of campy horror, with three complicated and not always morally good women meeting in a bathroom with lots of juicy secrets. It has lots of myth references, lots of comedy and also lots of very serious references to trauma (so please do check our Content Warnings before hand). They can expect to feel like they are wading in water, laughing with their friends, and then someone feels something brush their foot and a dark shadow appears below them. Jennifer’s Body meets Low Level Panic but with a mythological/ folk-tale twist.
Where are you playing, and why that venue?
We are playing at the Lion and Unicorn Theatre, 29th-31st July! We loved the intimacy of the Lion and Unicorn due to size, there’s such an opportunity to really connect with the audience.
What was the inspiration behind the show?
Molly: I think our inspiration came from our joint obsessions with Mythology and Scooby Doo. We both love the transformations people go through and the facades they put on. Mythology is all about the way the world changes us, and it allows people to deal with hard things through metaphors. Scooby Doo has these big awful villains that just turn out to be human beings with a lot going on. And it’s also great fun and one of the best TV shows ever made, of course. We wanted to look at the people behind the masks and behind the myths. As women we go through so many issues and stresses and yet we put on a brave face, or a funny face, and sometimes even an evil one. Blood Bath is about how we deal with our traumas and the power of female friendship. With a few laughs along the way.
Frances: Mythology and the mystical/ supernatural was definitely a huge co-interest for us. We all initially had these specific interests in figures such as Sirens and ghosts, and actually at first the Daphne/ Apollo myth. As our show came together, we found lots of inspiration in other folk-tales such as Selkies, from Scottish/Celtic legends. Hilariously the figure of the Rusalka joined the trio in part due to The Witcher – I’d read Andrzej Sapkowski’s first short story collection which discusses a Rusalka entity and it seemed perfect for the character Emily had created. We certainly also found inspiration in other plays and works that subvert or retell mythical narratives – there’s a big resurgence of this from authors like Madeline Miller and this became key to both our play and our company – giving a new voice or perspective to women from established narratives.
Being Camden Fringe, we all know sets have to be bare minimum, how have you got around this with your set and props then?
Frances: Luckily when we first developed the show we had to keep our production design relatively simple, and we found this also allowed us to focus on the characters. The play also looks at enduring issues experienced from the mythological to modern day, and a simpler staging didn’t fix it in too specific of a time period. Blood Bath is set in a bathroom and so our set primarily consists of a small, portable metal bath and some blocks to raise it/sit on. Aside from some towels, our main (and probably most difficult prop) is an exciting loop pedal that Molly uses to create live music on stage! So yeah, keeping it simple suits us nicely!
How much has changed in the show since you first performed it?
Molly: Since the first Blood Bath there have been a few changes. We first performed it last year and we had a different cast – our third collaborator moved back to America, so we have the brilliant Maire McGovern stepping in as Rusalka. Maire brings a wonderful gentleness to the Rusalka that is so different to the first performance, but really works onstage. Frances and I have also changed since the first performance. I think a year on from when we first created Wild Folly we have really grown as actors as well as people. We’ve also taken on a lot of feedback from past performances as well as bringing in outside directorial advice from the brilliant Esalan Gates. We’re really excited to see the reaction at Camden Fringe!
What do you hope audiences think after watching the show?
Frances: I’m hoping it maybe makes them question a lot of the myths and stories that are typically told and who it is that usually tells them and how characters are typically depicted. Hopefully they also come away reflecting on the choices the characters made and why they made them and how they would react in a similar circumstance. Most of all, I’m hoping they come away having enjoyed themselves, feeling a bit surprised but having laughed lots and recognising the story we are trying to tell!
Molly: I’d love people to ask about the mythology and our sources. The Selkie, Rusalka and Siren have so much lore to get in to that Frances and I could talk for hours about – beware!
If you had to describe your show as a meal, what would it be and why?
Molly: Probably something fun and a bit scary. Maybe like Toxic Waste? Which isn’t really a meal. Unless you really want it to be.
Thanks to Frances and Molly for taking the time to talk about Blood Bath.
Blood Bath plays at Lion and Unicorn Theatre 29 – 31 July as part of Camden Fringe. More information and tickets available here.