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Author Archives: Nathan Blue

The Nightingale And The Rose and other tales, Barons Court Theatre – Review

Pros: Skilful adaptation and winning performances Cons: A few less successful moments Although less celebrated than his plays, Oscar Wilde’s prose work is every bit as accomplished and distinctive. His fairy tales in particular are a unique take on the genre – they’re wise and unsentimental, which somehow makes their impact all the more emotional, and Wilde delights in using animals and flowers as a witty chorus to comment on the foibles of the human world. Young company Orange Moon do a ...

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The Owls Are Not What They Seem, Nursery Theatre – Review

Pros: Some thought has obviously gone into the set Cons: Confusing. The bonkers genius of David Lynch is entirely lacking I first experienced Twin Peaks courtesy of a friend’s dvd collection some years ago. Watching David Lynch’s extraordinary TV series, I immediately understood why it’s held in such high regard. Ostensibly an FBI investigation into the gruesome murder of small town teenager Laura Palmer, the show is a masterpiece of ensemble eccentricity in which every character is hiding a secret, and violence ...

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