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Tag Archives: CFR13

Camden Fringe: Two Heads Are Better Than One, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013 Created by Plumpkin Theatre Company ★★★ Pros: A different kind of theatrical experience that combines mime and clowning to create a fresh new plot. Cons: Some of the scenes dragged a bit at times. Our Verdict: An unusual and enjoyable evening. Courtesy of Camden Fringe In Two Heads Are Better Than One, performers Anna Haskell-Thomas and Verity Hicks lead us into a story where spoken language is made redundant. Through theatrical clowning the troupe portray what happens when two different ...

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Camden Fringe: Truly, Madly, Keighley, Camden Head

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013 Written and performed by Not The Brontës★★★ Pros: Not the Brontës create a very relaxed and easy-going atmosphere. The performance makes you feel right at home in the theatre. Cons: Working on the interpretation of the stories would have engaged the audience more. Our Verdict: The stories were interesting and fun cleverly combined with live music and some northern humor. Courtesy of Not The Brontës Truly, Madly, Keighley is composed of a selection of ...

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Camden Fringe: Trois Pour Cinq, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013Maria Figgins and Adam CourtingDirected by Maria Figgins and Adam Courting★★★ Pros: Short sketches that are far from formulaic and keep you guessing. Cons: Some people may not readily understand the surreal and dark subject matter. Our Verdict: A talented team with chemistry and an unconventional imagination. Courtesy of Merlot Merlot Theatrical duo Merlot Merlot (Adam Courting and Maria Figgins) write and perform their own material. For the Camden Fringe, they have produced a series ...

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Camden Fringe: Pause, Collection Theatre, Lord Stanley

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013by Serena Haywood Directed by Tutku Barbaros★★★★ Pros: Wonderfully tense. An incredibly sad subject matter tackled bravely and performed extremely well. Cons: The characters’ monologues tended to drag in many parts. Some aspects didn’t really bring anything to the production and could be trimmed. Our Verdict: Poignant, heartbreaking and rough around the edges. Courtesy of Moustache Contraption Twinkle-toed, blue-eyed Chris ends up in a vegetative state after falling from a wall in his early twenties. ...

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Camden Fringe: Rizzolo Chat!, Canal Café Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013 Written and directed by Matthew Radway ★★★ Pros: The sketch troupe engage well with the audience and there are some very funny moments. The roving reporter offers some of the biggest laughs throughout the performance. Cons: Some of the jokes fall flat leaving the audience in an awkward silence. Our Verdict: Tighter delivery would make this production very successful in future runs at Fringe Festivals. Courtesy of the Camden Fringe Following a run of ...

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Camden Fringe: Herding Cats, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013Written and directed by Kitten Killers ★★★ Pros: This show will make you laugh until your sides hurt. Cons: Overall it needed some polishing to help it come together. Our Verdict: The four girls deliver an amusing show filled with unexpected jokes, mime, and songs. Very watchable! Courtesy of the Camden Fringe An evening at Etcetera Theatre usually starts with a drink before the show. I don’t think any drink could have prepared me for the ...

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Camden Fringe: Charming – A Farcical Fairy Tale, The Pirate Castle

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013Ross Howard Presented by No Bones About ★★★ Pros: Watching the familiar characters from fairy tales cause knee-slapping mayhem on stage. Cons: At times the scenes were extended for too long and the play lost its grip on the audience. Our Verdict: A dynamic and witty reinterpretation of favorite fairy tales. Courtesy of Facebook.com Charming – A Farcical Fairy Tale, presented by the company No Bones About, lets us into the world of the five charming ...

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Camden Fringe: Suzanna Gonzo: Dark Lady, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013 Written and performed by Katie O’Brien★★★★★ Pros: Wrong on so many levels it’s beyond right. Cons: If it’s not your thing, then it’s really not your thing. Just try and make it so. Our Verdict: This woman is either destined for the big time in a big way or on her way to becoming a cult favourite. Courtesy of facebook.com Katie O’Brien may not sell out venues. Her type of comedy may not be to ...

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Camden Fringe: Dirty, Flirty Thirty, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013 Written and Directed by Kat Woods Presented by Purple Penguin Productions★★★★ Pros: Sex, sex, and more sex. Cons: Occasionally a bit too much sex (no, not really). Our Verdict: Of course this show is about more than sex but there is a lot of talk about it in it. Bright, sparkly and very, very witty. Courtesy of Purple Penguin Productions Cheeky, irreverent, chock full of inappropriate language, in a completely raucous setting above a ...

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Camden Fringe: Soften the Grey, Etcetera Theatre

Part of the Camden Fringe 2013Written and performed by Jake Hassam and Nigel Munson ★★★ Pros: The concept gets you thinking, and the dialogue is clever and amusing. Cons: The second half struggles to maintain the strength of the first. Our Verdict: When it’s good, it’s very good. However, some of the scenes fail to captivate, and the ending, though effective on some levels, is a bit of an anticlimax. Do you believe in bureaucracy after death? Imagine getting to ...

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