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Author Archives: Everything Theatre

Port, National Theatre

Simon StephensDirected by Marianne Elliott★★★★ Pros: A brilliantly acted performance of a gritty, interesting and rather excellent script, complete with a refreshingly optimistic ending. Cons: Very few. It dragged a tiny bit in the middle, but this is a show which very narrowly missed out on the fifth star! Our Verdict: A tip-top show from the National, and one of my favourite Lyttelton productions to date. No excuses to miss it – there are plenty of £12 tickets available! Courtesy ...

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One Festival, The Space

A showcase of monologues ★★ Pros: A great platform for new work, and a real mixture of different genres and tones. Cons: The four shows together make the evening quite long, and some scripts that would benefit from further workshopping. Our Verdict: A nice and worthwhile survey of different styles of theatrical work and a peek into some upcoming talent, but not fully polished and a bit lengthy. Courtesy of The Space Programme B Deirdre and Me, Rachael Halliwell  Woman ...

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The Dreamer Examines his Pillow, Old Red Lion Theatre

John Patrick Shanley Presented by Lightning Jar Theatre Company ★★★ Pros: A clever and deeply poetic script from a master playwright. Some very nice acting too. Cons: I struggled to keep focussed during the first half as the performances didn’t deliver enough energy to meet the requirements of the script. Our Verdict: This is an uneven production with a slow-moving and occasionally uninteresting first half. However, it then bursts into life after the interval, engaging the audience right to the end. Courtesy ...

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Festopia, Theatre503

Presented by Little Pieces of Gold ★★★★ Pros: This production is filled with a wonderful variety of wit and humour, clever concepts and poignancy. The writing is mostly top notch and the cast work very well together. Cons: There are a few moments that could be tightened up a tad. One of the plays lost me a little and another felt a bit flat and uninteresting compared to the energy of the others. Our Verdict: This is really worth seeing. As ...

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House of Atreus, Waterloo East Theatre

Based on The Libation Bearers by Aeschylus Adapted by Ozlem Ozhabes Directed by Kaitlin Argeaux ★★★★ Pros: A very enjoyable, visually pleasing and strongly emotional performance driven by innovative direction and some cracking performances that leave you wanting more, even if Greek tragedy is not normally your thing. Cons: Given how well the dance and physical movements worked overall, it’s a shame that at times the pace seemed to slow down and the chorus became somewhat static, especially in the ...

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The Magistrate, National Theatre

Arthur Wing PineroDirected by Timothy Sheader ★★★★ Pros: Well-directed with excellent performances, a great set and some big laugh out loud moments. A great production in every respect. Cons: None really, but it’s not ground-breaking and it’s not the best farce I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t mean it’s not very good though! Our Verdict: Great fun, easy to watch and a good way to spend your time and money if you fancy some decent laughs! Courtesy of Tristram Kenton for The Guardian Everyone knows that ...

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A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, Battersea Arts Centre

everything theatre originally reviewed this production at the Battersea Arts Centre. It will transfer to the Little Angel Theatre on 20th February 2013, where it will run until 2nd March 2013: http://www.littleangeltheatre.com/lat/whatson/forthcoming/MjQyGabriel Garcia Marquez Directed by Mike Shepherd★★★ Pros: Stunning puppetry and fun for the whole family Cons: The show felt a little long and a tad slow in places. It also lacked the sparkle of the author’s original short story, sadly.Our Verdict: A charming experience for young and old but a ...

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Job Seekers Anonymous, Etcetera Theatre

Written and Performed by Louise Mothersole and Rebecca Biscuit (AKA Booise) ★★★ Pros: Fun, fast paced, topical and true. Uses slapstick to wonderful and meaningful effect. Cons: No clear message. Mainly focussed on the frustration of navigating the current benefits system rather than on seeking a job as the title suggests, even though it’s punalicious. Our Verdict: A really fun piece of theatre to watch as it uses the truth and personal experience to give an insight into the world of government ...

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The Future Show, Battersea Arts Centre

Written and Performed by Deborah Pearson ★★★ Pros: The performance uses an interesting topic – the passage of time – to explore humanity. Cons: I felt it was an underdeveloped idea, and there was something missing. Hard to put a finger on exactly what though. Our Verdict: From award-winning writer and performer Deborah Pearson we get a performance that is very interesting, even if it’s not entirely clear what message she wants the audience to take away from it. Courtesy ...

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