
Podcast: A Beauty Pageant for Europe

Amaia Mugica discusses the return of Miss Brexit To Omnibus Theatre

There’s an old saying about making the best out of a bad situation, and that’s just what the team at MARIA WHO? seem to have done with Miss Brexit.

Framing the show as a beauty contest, with the winner given a chance to remain in the UK, Miss Brexit takes a playful look at what it is like to be a migrant in a country that at times seems not to want them here.

We chat to co-director Amaia Mugica to find out about more the show, how it has developed over the last two years, including a run at Camden People’s Theatre in 2024, and whether it’s a show that can translate to stages across Europe.

Miss Brexit will play at Omnibus Theatre from 11 to 15 February. Further information and tickets available ⁠here⁠.

Miss Brexit

Omnibus Theatre

11 – 15 February

UK borders are closed. Only one European can remain. Forget your identity to become MISS BREXIT

United Kingdom, 23rd of June, 2016.

The Great British Country has spoken — We are no longer Europe.

So unfortunately, Europeans, you are no longer welcome.

But attention! We still are a kind and inclusive country, with an undeniable sense of justice. And tonight, we will give a lucky European a chance to remain in this, our great Great Britain.

Tonight, our contestants, carefully chosen among thousands of thousands, are all ready to leave their identities behind. But only one, only the winner of tonight’s contest will become… MISS BREXIT.

Tickets available here.

Everything Theatre

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