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Off West End

Ah, the Off West End. For those not familiar with the term, this is where the real magic of the London theatre scene happens. Great shows are born here, in pubs, in 50-seat theatres, in tunnels. Recommended for the adventurous – we can’t get enough of it, and you’ll save a quid or two as well!

I Stand Corrected, Ovalhouse Theatre

Created and performed by Mojisola Adebayo and Mamela Nyamza★★★★★ Pros: An unforgettable love story beautifully told through music, dance, storytelling and stand-up. Cons: There are no cons. This is a must-see. Our Verdict: A brave and beautiful theatrical triumph starring two phenomenally talented young women. This is theatre as it should be. Courtesy of the Ovalhouse Gay rights remain a very serious and contentious issue throughout most of Africa today. It is estimated that approximately thirty-eight African countries continue to ...

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Freedom, Books, Flowers, and The Moon, Waterloo East Theatre

Sarah PitardDirected by Cat Robey★★★★ Pros: A dedicated adaptation of Wilde’s fairy tales for children. A perfectly sized production for the space in question. Cons: A slightly (only slightly) dragged out second half. Also, some interactions seemed a tiny bit deliberate and unrealistic. Our Verdict: A well thought-out and penetrating adaptation of two of Wilde’s best loved shorts. A nice venue as well, with a relaxed crowd and very professional front-of-house staff. A real rose among the thorns in terms ...

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In Extremis, King’s Head Theatre

Neil BartlettDirected by Caroline Devlin★★★ Pros: An interesting script from a great playwright with two very charming lead performances. Cons: Some hard-core Wilde fans may have a few issues with the casting. Our Verdict: Although this is a clever, insightful script delivered beautifully by two talented actors, I didn’t feel like I was looking at Oscar Wilde. The play is still very enjoyable, however, and well worth the ticket price. Courtesy of Kean Productions On 24th March 1895, a week ...

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The Cat’s Mother, The Courtyard

Pericles SnowdonDirected by Natalie Scott and Joseph Thorpe★★★ Pros: An interesting idea, with some good collaborative work by this group of young women, who are working hard to increase the presence of women on the stage. Cons: The script, while strong in places, needed more active development by the directors and the performances suffer as a result of this. Our Verdict: Not going to go down in history as one of the greatest pieces of theatre ever created, but an ...

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Carbon Dating, Brockley Jack Studio Theatre

Ron ElishaDirected by John Fricker★★★ Pros: A well-polished production featuring quick-wit and down-to-earth sketches from the frontlines of first dates. Cons: Low stakes and a weak point of view create a sketch comedy feel, so the show lacks real weight. Our Verdict: A less-than-ground breaking but appreciatively light-hearted rom-com that will absolutely entertain but won’t linger on conscience. Credit: Mark Bowsher If you loved the 2009 film, He’s Just Not That Into You or other similar romantic-comedies, OutFox Productions and ...

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Who is Noskov?, Theatro Technis

Five plays written by George NoskovDirected by George Eugeniou Grey Foam: ★★Turkey: ★★★ Pros: The opening and closing scenes of an empty stage with voices coming through the speakers were poignant and an excellent idea which both enthralled the audience at the beginning and caused them to leave thinking. Cons: Sadly the space, a thrust black box theatre and stage, was not used very well by either the actors or the director. The venue seemed just too big for the ...

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Riot Night, The Old Frizzle

Hugh JanesDirected by Robert Young★★★ Pros: Some nice performances, particularly from Alex Williams. Fantastic idea for a show. Cons: Never quite becomes totally immersive. Sometimes feels a little overdone. Our Verdict: An important production which is likely to become more subtle and immersive as the run progresses. Worth making a detour to see! Riot Night, 12-15 November 2012 This is the second production I’ve seen recently dealing with last year’s London Riots, but I must confess that I am not ...

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The Trojan Women, Gate Theatre

Caroline Bird, After EuripidesDirected by Christopher Haydon★★★★★ Pros: An excellent and original reworking of the Greek text with stellar performances and an exceptional design. Cons: Sight-lines are a little tricky, but blockages can be avoided by arriving early to claim front seats. Our Verdict: An all-around wonderful production featuring a spectacular script, cast, design, and message. Courtesy of the Gate Theatre Several years ago I worked in the sound-booth for my university’s production of The Trojan Women, so while I ...

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The Atheist, Lion and Unicorn Theatre

Ronan NooneDirected by Hugh Ross★★★ Pros: An interesting insight into a world that is written, created and manipulated by the media from the perspective of one overly self-aware journalist. Cons: While this one man performance is impressive, there could have been better differentiation between the female characters. The slight predictability of the plot made the end points of acts less impactful than they should have been. Our Verdict: A compelling story of relevance well-told. However, the one man characterisation of ...

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Opposition, Ovalhouse Theatre

Written and Performed by Hannah Silva ★★★★ Pros: A political satire which works remarkably well on many different levels. A brilliant performance from a dynamic young artist. Cons: The sound effects and the music occasionally drown out the words. This is particularly bad during an important speech at the end. Our Verdict: This is abstract theatre for people who don’t like abstract theatre (as well as those who do, of course). A unique, funny, incredibly clever one-woman show from a ...

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