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No need for explanations here, but if you need a laugh then this is the category for you! You’ll find reviews of all the shows that have had us rolling in the aisles on this page.

Le Misanthrope, Drayton Arms Theatre – Review

Pros: A skilled ensemble whose evident enjoyment is infectious. A great soundtrack featuring the great Gainsbourg. Cons: Cluttered staging and an auditorium that (on one of the warmest evenings of the year) was like being at the centre of the earth. Celimène drunk, throwing up in a bucket, Acaste and Clitandre hoofing coke off a studio desk, Éliante and Philinte sharing a tender moment on the breakfast TV couch. Yes, obviously, it’s Le Misanthrope, Molière’s satire on the 17th century French ...

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Omnibus Theatre – Review

Pros: Imaginative, energetic and really entertaining. Cons: The performance is quite long and requires some serious stamina. The other night I had a funny dream. Accompanied by three other people, I was exploring the streets of Clapham Old Town, visiting estate agents, entering empty Italian cafes and interacting with some odd individuals. I had headed to Clapham Common to attend a performance of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream but, instead of the theatre’s address, I was told to wait ...

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Roller Diner, Soho Theatre – Review

Pros: Adorable, hilarious characters in a fun and vibrant roller-diner setting (minus roller-skates). Funny moments are in abundance and the cast are superb. Cons: The politics behind the show are very blatant, but its comment is ambiguous. Roller Diner, the winner of the Soho Theatre’s prestigious Verity Bargate Award for new writing, is set in Eddie Costello’s authentic American diner… in Birmingham. It is a hub of sticky ketchup and family spats (but not customers, as it would seem). When ...

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