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Photo Credit: Steve Gregson

Interview: Who You Gonna Call? Sam Wu!

Sam Liu discusses his show Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts

This summer at the Polka Theatre is NOT going to be a scary one because Sam Wu, expert ghost hunter, will be there with you and he is NOT afraid of ghosts. We were delighted to get the chance to speak with Sam Liu, who plays his namesake Sam in this brand new production, and ask him what we should expect in the show.

Hi Sam. Thanks so much for talking to us today. Firstly, can you tell us a bit about the role you play and the story it’s adapted from?

So I get to play the unstoppable whirlwind of energy that is Sam Wu – he’s a boy with tons of imagination, a huge heart and a very, VERY important mission. The play (brilliantly adapted by Julie Tsang) is based on the fantastic books by Katie and Kevin Tsang, and if you haven’t read them, you definitely should!

It’s so rare to see an East Asian lead actor on stage – does it feel like a big responsibility, normalising this for young audiences? Or were you just cast because you’re called Sam too?

I gotta say when I was asked to audition I did think, well if I don’t get THIS, then I must be doing something seriously wrong!! But the similarity of mine and Sam’s names is just a coincidence, I promise – albeit a pretty fabulous one. As for representation, I am absolutely thrilled that our show is such a celebration of East Asian talent, excellence and culture – on stage and off. I would have been giddy with excitement and happiness if I’d seen this show when I was a kid – so I hope we’re able to give our young audiences some amazing, formative theatrical experiences.

Who are the cast and creatives you’re working with and what do they bring to the show?

Nothing, it’s all thanks to me. KIDDING. The cast and creatives on this show are a dream. On stage with me are Yuki – who manages to do some stellar acting in between a million lightning-quick costume changes; Ed – who sings and dances the house down; and Kudz – who is not only wonderful as Sam’s BFF, Zoe, but also as a Tik-Tok-dancing ninja-cat called Butterbutt (it’s a wild show). Our director, Emily, has given us so much room to play but somehow still managed to keep us on track throughout – all while never losing sight of the most important thing: telling the story. Our set and costumes are ON POINT (shoutout to Liam and Annie), the music really does go hard (thanks Holly!) and it’s gorgeously lit by Gill and Luca, with some super-fun dancing choreographed by Chi-San (which I try valiantly every show not to mess up). Oh and at the risk of this turning into an Oscar’s acceptance speech, we would truly be NOWHERE without our incredible, unflappable stage managers, Meg and Erin.

The Sam Wu books have really fun illustrations: will the staging reflect that?

Oh you best believe! This is a cartoon come to life, truly. Nathan Reed’s illustrations from the book are so magical and I think everyone has done such an amazing job translating that from the page. It’s a feast for the eyes!

You’ve worked in live theatre and on TV before, but have you worked in theatre for children, or is this a learning curve?

Nope, this is my first kids’ show and it is absolutely a learning curve but one I am so enjoying.

When I went on for the opening of our preview in front of a young audience for the first time, I was instantly met with shouts and cries and so much buzz and engagement, and I was like: WOW. It’s unlike any other experience I’ve ever had on stage. There is so much life, so much joy. I love it.

What do you hope your audiences will get from this exciting production?

We want to make you jump, laugh, smile, sing along and truly immerse yourselves in this glorious, bonkers universe. I really think Sam Wu’s story is for everyone. Yes, we might not all have peed our pants on a school trip to the space museum, but we’ve surely all had times in our life when we’ve felt afraid or unsure or nervous. Sam Wu shows us that just because you might be scared, doesn’t mean you can’t also be extremely brave. So come along and watch! If you dare …

Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts is aimed at ages 6-12 and runs at the Polka Theatre until 18th August. More information and details of how to book can be found here.

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