
Camden Fringe Audience Feedback: Pilgrim Shadow

Average Audience Rating: ★★★★½
Everything Theatre Rating: ★★★ 

Read our review!

Until 3rd August at the Tristan Bates Theatre.

Book tickets for Camden 

Anonymous – ★★★★★

“I was dragged, kicking and screaming, by my dear wife to watch Dead Static last year. As is sometimes the case, she was right in her persistence – I thoroughly enjoyed it and very much looked forward to the next episode.
It was our pleasure to see Pilgrim Shadow last Saturday – no kicking and screaming this time (!) – and the team took it to a whole new level. With the same base concept, the script/storyline was brilliant with titters and laughs aplenty. As with “Static”, the play benefits from two great and undoubtedly up and coming actors.
It never ceases to amaze me that with four blank walls, half a dozen props, and fairly basic effects, a combination of very good acting and an equally good script can transport you halfway across the galaxy!
I guess that’s what fringe is all about – or certainly what it tries to achieve.
Pilgrim Shadow does achieve. It’s another large rung on a very large ladder but I very much look forward to the next episode – assuming there is one. Surely there must be?”

Anonymous – ★★★★★

“Saw this on Saturday, the final performance of the run, with a good-sized and receptive audience. A well-paced piece of comic storytelling that created its scifi world out of an almost-bare stage and the interplay of two mismatched but inseparable characters. The use of simple effects to suggest epic moments, steady laughs throughout, and a neatly-turned conclusion made for a satisfying and entertaining hour.”
Sarah Bostock, London – ★★★★★
“Great play by a great writer! Yes, this is a fantastic play for anyone who loves Sci-Fi at any level but I think more importantly, it’s a great play even if you’re not really into Sci-Fi! The writer has created two wonderful characters with great chemistry & comedy that’s brought to life by the great actors.

Gary is endearing with expressions which make you laugh before he’s even said a word and Tyler as the “serious” one is smart-alecky but still a very loveable character (you can empathise with his frustration!) – this relationship is very entertaining even if some Sci-Fi references go over your head.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the boys in “Dead Static” as well as this most recent adventure in “Pilgrim Shadow” & I cannot wait to see what this comic duo get up to in the future. *Watch this space…*”

Anonymous – ★★★★★

“Being an avid comedy and theatre goer, I went into this play with no expectations. The minute it begins you are immediately transported into another universe where the actors have the profound ability to actually make you believe you have left Earth. Not only was it hilarious, perfectly timed and enticing, it was also thoroughly entertaining where I found myself wanting more. I can’t recommend this show highly enough; both for the script and the actors – You couldn’t find anyone more suitable. If you want an evening full of laughter, happy tears and memories that will last a life time, go see The Pilgrim Shadow.”
Carrie London, London – ★★★★
“Very funny with excellent acting. If you like scifi type humour more character than plot based then go along for an amusing hour of intelligent silliness.”
James Lesner – ★★★★★
“I laughed several times. What more is there to say?”
Lian Hogan, London – ★★★★
“Good, laugh out loud fun, as the Dead Static team returns with new, improved peril… I still don’t get all the cultural references, but the humour is spot on.

With a bigger (though similarly sparse) set, and great lighting effects, it feels more polished, and though there’s a lot to cram into an hour, it does a sterling job of doing so.

It could start quicker – I’d like to see some more life or death in being saddled with a derelict spaceship with the syndicate after them brought out, and I think you have to “joke away” the fact it took less than 30 seconds to fill the hold, but these are minor quibbles.

With a ManMoth ending it’s all set up for part three, I can hardly wait! But for anyone going along, no fear, it stands alone as a sci-fi-love-hate-buddy-comedy.


Everything Theatre

Everything Theatre is proud to support fringe theatre, not only in London but beyond. From reviews to interviews, articles and even a radio show, our work is at the heart of the industry, and we are official assessors for the Off West End OffComm awards. Founded in 2011 as a pokey blog run by two theatre enthusiasts, today we are staffed by diverse contributors - people who not only work in theatre, but also in law, medicine, marketing and even psychiatry! We are all united by our love for theatre.

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