Presented as part of the AXIS Emerging Artists Festival alongside Publius Horatius
Devised by Fighetta
Pros: A group of versatile female performances not restrained by stereotyping.
Cons: It was very abstract with no real plot. I find it hard to get into a show with no real fictional purpose or characters that I can relate to.
Our Verdict: Some real talent on stage, and while I recognise that it is pushing the somewhat fixed boundaries of theatre and performance art, it’s not my cup of tea I’m afraid.
Courtesy of AXIS |
A woman with a mono-brow akin to the artist Frida Kahlo stares intently at an over-plump orange in her hands. In front of her, like a river running red with blood, flows a red strip of material across the stage. She breaths deeply a number of times before an actress storms on stage, plays with the orange then rips it in half, all the while getting sticky juice everywhere. And in some ways this was one of the least bizarre events that unfolded in front of me in the 50 minutes I watched Fighetta perform.
Vesta is compiled of a huge number of scenes like this, all interwoven slightly, all exploring the essence of human nature through bizarre acts that glue the audience to their seats. It is a physical discovery where 6 women put their bodies on display and the audience’s minds to the test as they combine the surreal with the day to day.
The performances themselves were impressive, all six women slowed a plethora of characters, switching easy from role to role as the scenes rolled past one another. But I wasn’t at all comfortable with some of the content. Perhaps the company wanted to evoke discomfort in the audience, but I can’t say I terribly enjoyed the feeling. I enjoy a show with a more practical purpose to it, characters I can get behind and root for and while I respect the right for art such as this show, and champion the need for investigative and truly challenging performances, I just didn’t leave with a clear message.
I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about what I think everything meant, but to be honest I’m not sure it’s worth your time reading my ramblings. What I will say is that this is a performance that will challenge your perceptions of what it means to ‘attend the theatre’, and if you like that kind of thing (think more bizarre that even the strangest scenes in Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy!) then I think you will enjoy this performance.
Please feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!
Vesta runs at the White Bear Theatre until 28th April 2013.
Box Office: 020 7793 9193 or book online at