A celebration of life, and a reminder that the fight is far from over.
Year: 2019
[review] Does My Bomb Look Big in This? was born from actor Nyla Levy’s dissatisfaction with being typecast as a…
[review] If you’re into dance, the Peacock should be on your radar. It plays host to some of the most…
'Kill Climate Deniers' playwright David Finnigan chats about the maximalist show and the controversies it's already generated.
[review] The hierarchy between Othello (Peace Oseyenum) and the sneaky network of unfaithfuls beneath him/her (although the actors are female,…
Bryony Taylor heads to Overtures Piano Bar for a night of singing and interview with founder Ray Rackham.
[review] The posters displayed around the always welcoming lobby of Waterloo East Theatre ask the questions “Love Kylie? Love the…
This production could easily be dropped into a West End venue
A funny, prescient and revealing drama that cleverly spins a big tale